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沁人心脾的诗性油画——赞苏天赐的油画艺术 作者:朱伯雄 朱伯雄
发布时间:2011/7/23  浏览次数:1000


                             Sensuous Painting with Poetic Touches
                              ——On Su Tianci's Oil Paintings
                                     Zhu Boxiong
Traditionally,Chinese literary artists pay more attention to the expression of inner feelingsin their paintings.When in-spired by something in the outer world, they will express their innermost feelings in pictrial language. The object they choose to draw is regarded as a medium capable of conveying their thoughts and feelings . Apart from painting, poem also serves as the same medium .That is why Chiese literary painting is always related to poem .Ohly with a poem or a poetic flavor can a painting be of profound artistic comception. In China artists accomplished both in painting and in poetry are not a few.
Whether the art of oil painting which origivated in the which origivated in the West can be imbued with the above-mentioned Chinese peculiarity has been a question explored by many veteran artists among whom was Lin Eengmian who achieved notable success. It is a great pity that lin's art was suppressed by the left poeiticiyed culture at home and he himself was forced to live abroad. It is said that Lin Fengmian had four favorite pupils whose artistic thoughts and moral character satisfied him ,one of whom is Su Tianci , the artist of Jiangsu aged 72.
Su Tianci is a solitary oil painter of genius caliber . Why"socitaty"?According to his pupil , Su is always willing to be aloof from the vanity fair , seldom making an appearance in art circles . During the past several decades he has been enganed in studying and exploring painstakingly the simple , poetic style of Chinese oil painting . Since his early years when he eas influenced by the various artistic trends of the time ,but concentrated on the studies of the ancient art of China , examining the carvings on cliffs , copying the patterns of the Zhou and Oin bronzes,collecting folk pictures, imitating the Song and Yuan landscapes , learning the symbolic meanings of the Han figures and flower paintings done in frddhand brushwork. Throuth this long practice , he has developed a style of his own , a style with distinct Chinese national flavor characterized by poetic charm , elegance and lyricism . Heis a master hand at traditional line drawing . His figures , a bit transfigured , look slender and simple . The girls in his paintings are always full of tender affection accompanied with a tinge of sadness , revealing a typical Ortental feminine's temperament . His landscapes with broad view and sparse settings have an Oriental charm that bring forth a feeling of intimacy and nostalgia . The numerous works he has shown or published are all plain and simple deroid of any fempetuousness and they can't fail to make the audience feel relaxed and carefree . After viewing Su's works Lin Fengmian and Zhao Wuji once discribee than as being "delicate",a comment most suitable to his art .
In his career as an artist , Su has followed a consistent route , never persuing any other styles beyond his talent and power to fish for compliments . His works done in the past dozens of years , from the portrait of Lin fengmian's favorite daughter Dina (1948) to the elegent landscape "The Lijiang River"(1992) , reveal his style of lyricism to which he has been devoting himself . These works all reflect his allection for beauty in nature . The artist's poetic conception shown in his recent works was expressed by applying lines and dots in a traditional succinct and compact way . His paintings have a lasting appeal with national and local flavor , contrasting sharply with the fashionable oils unnaturally executed with color masses . Lin Fengmian loved his daughter's portrait so much that he didn't return it so Su Tianci until 1978 then he left China , whereas a host of his own paintings failed to survive the "cultural revolution".
Su Tianci is a native of Yangjiang , Guangdong Province . Since childhood he has been sensitive to the changeable scenes in nature . He recalled in his reminiscences how he as a child had been attracted by the beauty of plants and thus become keen about pictorial art . As an artist , he has traveled through the whole country to seek for the beauty of nature and record with his painting brush the views that have inspired him . As a large percentafe of his works are essentials landscapes he deserves to be called a lyric landscapist . The sceneries of Jiang Nan that reeion south of thd Changjiang River appearing on his canvus done with superb skill ofter look more attractive and poetic than life itself does . In recent years Su has tried to develop a more formal construction characterized with individraeity so as to invent more new techniques of expression in oil which can bring fresh artistic charms .
Su Tianci does not seek fame and fortune , but he does concern himself with the economic development of the country . In the art of oil painting he has been trying to integrate Western techniques with Chinese ones like Lin Fengmian used to do . But what Lin Fengmian saw in those days was merely a disaster-ridden China while what Su Tianci sees today is an informative society with extensive international cultural exchanges . How to develop a Chinese type of oil painting in this new wored of weemalonal excomple and interchampel is a new task for Chinese oil painters to fulfil . with a sober mind Su Tianci insists that Chinese nationality should not be submerged by the trends of the time . He despises those artists who lack national consciousness . He oncesighed with deep feeling and said :"I was born too late . Each period has its own social tendency . Now European artists want to create a world which God hasn't created . Of course , their attempt is beyond reproach . But ,as Chinese artists what shall we pursue ? I belong to the older generation . I cando nothing but what my predecessors loved to do ,namely , praising nature created by God . As a child , I love tosee trees in bud ,grasses greening up , and felt everything in nature full of vitality ,which made me carefree . Now I have cherished an even deeper love for the unspoiled part of nature how modern and seaartbic it gets , would be a poor one . "This passage is the best illustration of his earnest pursuit of art .






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